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胎儿超声软指标异常与不良妊娠结局的临床价值研究 [中文引用][英文引用]

DOI: 10.13470/j.cnki.cjpd.2018.03.005

目的 探讨孕期遗传学超声软指标异常与不良妊娠结局的相关关系。方法 收集6729例孕11~13+6周行NT(NT增厚时在11~20周加做三尖瓣血流、静脉导管a波)、鼻骨超声检查的胎儿,对胎儿进行评估及妊娠结局随访,并对结果进行统计学分析。结果 6729例胎儿中出现NT异常及鼻骨发育异常共283例(4.2%),随访不良妊娠结局胎儿共86例,不良妊娠结局发生率为30.4%;NT厚度与胎儿不良妊娠结局发生情况呈正相关(R=0.97,P<0.05);283例中合并三尖瓣反流或静脉导管a波异常共74例,不良妊娠结局胎儿33例,不良妊娠结局发生率为44.6%。结论 NT增厚及鼻骨发育异常对胎儿不良妊娠结局具有一定的预测价值,如合并三尖瓣反流或静脉导管异常胎儿发生不良结局的风险更高。


Objecttive To inspect the clinical significance of abnormal genetic ultrasound soft markers in pregnancy outcomes. Methods Collecting ultrasound examination results about NT( tricuspid valve flow, a wave in ductus venous) or NF , fetal nasal bone of 6729 fetus in Weifang Maternal And Child Health Hospital during August 2013 to November 2016. To evaluate and counsel fetal abnormalities, prenatal screening, prenatal diagnosis, and intensive follow-up are necessary. The normal fetus was performed during pregnancy and postnatal follow-up. The results were analyzed statistically. Results There were 283 fetuses who were found NT thickened or abnormal nasal bone development in 6729 fetuses(4.2%),and 86 fetuses suffered from bad pregnancy outcomes(30.4%).Between NT thickened and pregnancy outcomes have positive correlation(R=0.97, P<0.05). Only NT thickened 152 cases were found that the positive fetus were 39 casas(25.7%);The tricuspid regurgitation or lack of the a wave in ductus venous fetuses in NT thickened were 74 cases(44.6%). Conclusions NT and nasal bone have predictive value to pregnancy outcomes, and the prediction will have more value with tricuspid regurgitation or lack of the a wave in ductus venous.


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中文著录格式: 陶华娟,王春霞,李晓东,张胜利,蔡绪英.胎儿超声软指标异常与不良妊娠结局的临床价值研究.中国产前诊断杂志,2018,10(3):18-20.


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